The Girl With The Long Green Heart-Lawrence Block (1965)

lawrence block-the girl with the long green heart

Johnny Hayden spent seven years in San Quentin thanks to a con that went wrong. He swears he’ll never be locked up again and goes straight. He manages a bowling alley in Boulder. Colorado and plans  how to save enough money to buy a roadhouse. It’s all legit. Then he hears from his old pal Doug Rance.

Doug has a great idea for a land swindle. It can’t miss. He met a babe in Vegas who was angry that the millionaire she expected to marry bailed on her as far as marriage goes but they still have a relationship.. She thought she would hook up with him after his wife died but no such luck. Doug hit on her but got nowhere. He did get the idea. The man she wanted to marry is her boss. She’s a knockout named Evvie Stone who wears a green heart pendant. The title is also a reference to her love of money as in “long green.”

Johnny hedges and checks out the big plan for a land swindle involving a moose pasture in Canada. The mark, Walter Gunderman, was burned by a Canadian con team so it won’t be easy. Johnny and Doug go through their intricate plan which includes setting up a corporation complete with phony employees and documents. Evvie’s part is to intercept letters and phone calls.

Gunderman is starting to get interested but still plays some hardball. To investigate further he has Evvie get close to Johnny. Johnny doesn’t mind at all. Gunderman doesn’t have a clue that the two have been working together all along.

The book will make you feel like someone hovering over the entire operation as it goes through the intricate con. If you ever wondered how people are taken in this will show you how it works.


About vintage45

I'm a big fan of vintage books,movies,TV shows and music. I encourage everyone to patronize your local used book/record store and pick up some of the good stuff. My posts are capsule reviews of some favorites that you may want to investigate. The albums posted aren't really reviews but items from my collection that are still available. I try and point out highlights of each one and let the music speak for itself. Thanks to all for checking out the blog.
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