Days Like These-Nigel Fountain (1985)

London:1908. An escapee from Siberia is knifed to death on a streetcorner.

London: The mid 80’s. John Raven is putting together a picture book of the 30’s. In a book shop he sees a pile of pictures along with some newspaper and magazine cuttings and buys them for two pounds. While walking home he sees a man that looks like a typical student. Then a bomb goes off at the home of a radical MP. He’s called to a line up at the police station to point out the suspected bomber. One witness, Mrs.Avis, points him out. Raven says he doesn’t recognize him.

Once again he passes the book shop and the clerk, Moira, signals him to come in. She says she shouldn’t have sold him the pictures and articles and the owner, Mr. Astin,wants them back.

Astin comes in and demands them back. Raven doesn’t like his attitude and tells him to send him a letter of apology with two pounds enclosed and he’ll think about it. When he gets home he discovers his place has been ransacked.

Raven eventually strikes up a relationship of sorts with Moira. She tells him Astin went to Wales at the insistence of a Mr. Fuller. Turns out Astin died from a fall over a cliff. Outside his flat, Raven is accosted by three punks. He convinces them he’s not Raven and they leave.

He takes Moira to a meeting of fascists because he heard the mysterious Fuller would be there. The radical MP is also attending. Raven spots Mrs. Avis and the three thugs who have been after him. He gets Moira out of there but ends up in a brawl with the punks. He’s helped out by his friend Ferret and a friend of his and escapes.

One night at Ferret’s, Raven is examing the pictures again.  Ferret breaks a frame by accident and more pictures fall out. Now Raven knows what everyone is looking for. He starts tracking down the people in the photos.

It leads him to Wales and a secret meeting that ends in an exciting climax. 

I liked this one. It shows the seamy side of London and people you’d want to avoid. One note, This has nothing to do with the John Raven series by Donald MacKenzie.

About vintage45

I'm a big fan of vintage books,movies,TV shows and music. I encourage everyone to patronize your local used book/record store and pick up some of the good stuff. My posts are capsule reviews of some favorites that you may want to investigate. The albums posted aren't really reviews but items from my collection that are still available. I try and point out highlights of each one and let the music speak for itself. Thanks to all for checking out the blog.
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